Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem projects directory
Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem projects directory



Logion is a pioneering initiative in the realm of blockchain technology and regulatory infrastructure, aiming to revolutionize the way tokens are perceived and utilized in the digital economy. At its core, Logion seeks to empower tokens across any blockchain, transforming them into legal-grade digital assets. This transformation is crucial because, in the current landscape, there's a noticeable gap between on-chain tokens (the digital representation of assets on the blockchain) and their associated rights and assets in the real world.

To bridge this gap, Logion has developed a unique infrastructure that combines advanced blockchain technology with a robust legal framework. This combination ensures that tokens are not just digital representations but are backed by verifiable rights, obligations, and assets. The platform achieves this by verifying and binding various elements, such as identities of individuals or entities, companies, assets, and more, to any token on any blockchain.

One of the standout features of Logion is its "Proof of Law" concept. This concept ensures that every token and digital asset on the platform is backed by legally enforceable and verifiable evidence. In essence, it's a guarantee that the token you hold has real-world value and rights associated with it.

Tokens:  LGNT
Links:   Whitepaper 
Parathread on Polkadot
January 18, 2024
November 21, 2025
~257 days remained
Auction 55: WINNER
Leasing: January 18, 2024 - November 21, 2025
Crowdloan ID: 3354-77 
Funds Raised: 111 335 DOT ($468 720)
Leading Blocks:  100%
Project Auction Info:  crowdloan details 
Reward: 1 DOT : 84+ LGNT
Crowdloan Cap: 350 000 DOT
  • For all contributors over 100 DOT, a NFT will be distributed
  • 80% Bonus: 151 LGNT/DOT for 5000 DOT or more contributed from a single Polkadot address.
  • 50% Bonus: 126 LGNT/DOT for 1000 DOT contributed from a single Polkadot address.
  • 35% Bonus: 113 LGNT/DOT for 500 DOT contributed from a single Polkadot address.
  • 20% Bonus: 101 LGNT/DOT within the first 50k DOT slot for crowdloan contributions.
  • 15% Bonus: 97 LGNT/DOT between 50–100k DOT slot for crowdloan contributions.
  • 10% Bonus: 92 LGNT/DOT between 100–150k DOT slot for crowdloan contributions.
  • 5% Bonus: 88 LGNT/DOT between 150–200k DOT slots for crowdloan contributions.
Developer Activity
If you have a connection to this project, kindly Contact Us to keep the details current
Primary Token:
Total Supply:
1 000 000 000
LGNT Distribution
Nov 24, 2023 at 03:48 UTC
Logion is a pioneering blockchain platform that transforms tokens into legal-grade digital assets through its unique "Proof of Law" concept. By integrating advanced blockchain technology with a robust legal framework, Logion ensures that tokens are backed by verifiable rights, obligations, and real-world assets.
Last Bid: 111 335 DOT
Slot Acquisition: crowdloan
Reward: 1 DOT : 84+ LGNT
Leading Blocks: 100%
Leasing Period: January 16, 2024 - November 20, 2025

logion has won Polkadot Auction #55
Nov 21, 2023 at 16:36 UTC
May 26, 2023 at 15:47 UTC
logion, a blockchain-based legaltech project, has been published on Parachains.info. Built on Polkadot, logion aims to enable individuals to create and exchange secure digital assets, redefining trust for both real-world and digital assets.
logion project details